How blessed students are to be enthralled by the history of downtown Denver 1925 – 2017 by “Walking in the Footsteps of Mrs. Greenwood,” the only living namesake of a Denver Public School. Students walk the streets she did from her apartment across from the historic Molly Brown House to Morey Middle School where she was not allowed to swim in the pool because of her color. They sit in the same West High Auditorium seats and read from her autobiography about when Principal Dr. Harry Kepner convened the whole school and demanded tolerance and respect among all students. They gather on the stage where Mrs. Greenwood was despondent and didn’t hear that she had
achieved her audacious goal and was ranked third in her class of 357. The Colorado History Museum takes on a new meaning when students watch a mature Mrs. Greenwood reminisce fondly through black and white photos about her cherished days as a camper and counselor at Camp Nizhoni in Lincoln Hills, CO. Through Mrs. Greenwood, students develop a personal experience with the elusive passage of 100 years.

A young Marie sat on the steps of the Capitol many times before
she had the courage to go inside where she was awed by the soaring 181 ft. dome.