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2015 DPS Foundation Gala

2015 DPS Foundation Gala

Students greet VIPs - including Governor Hickenlooper

In The News

Check out what Each One Teach One has been up to lately:


  • Teach Your Child to Bike Safely:  Hats off to 7th grader Jonathan Grey and 6th grader Camila Vazquez for demonstrating safe biking on the new Outdoor Biking Practice Course behind the Montbello Rec Center off Maxwell Place. Click here to watch the Denver Channel 4 video. Dust off your family's bikes and head to the practice course to review stopping, signaling turns, merging, and negotiating a round-about before you hit the streets. There's a bike repair station on-site for inflating tires, fixing chains, and adjusting seat heights. Enjoy the outdoors, build your heart health, be safe and have fun! 


  • Putting the "E" in STEAM Education!  Each One Teach One students worked beside Engineer Joe Callahan, founder of energilab, to build solar ovens to use the sun's energy for cooking. The sun is a clean, renewable energy source that preserves the planet for future generations. We can teach you how to steam vegetables, bake cookies, pizza and healthy kale chips straight from the garden without polluting the air we breathe. It's good for the planet, healthy for our bodies, and fun science to grow our brains and imaginations! Watch students in action!


  • It happened in the blink of an eye. These Each One Teach One 1st grade interviewees became 2020 COVID 8th grade graduates! We expected these kindergartners, who were writing sentences independently, would manage their sudden switch to on-line learning as 7th graders with grace and confidence. As Mrs. Greenwood would say, teach a young child to read and they can learn anything! Each One Teach One is famous for laying the foundation beginning with 4-year-olds for both scholarship and self-confidence. See what that looks and sounds like: video 


  • Listen to the EDUCA Radio broadcast (Spanish only) on April 23, 2018, for a discussion about the Each One Teach One program at Marie L. Greenwood Academy. 


  • Each One Teach One provides a solution to closing the academic achievement and opportunity gap. Read the full article in MUSE (Montbello Urban Spectrum Edition) January/February 2019 issue. 


  • Each One Teach One is highlighted as a program that is helping to close the achievement gap. Read the full article in the November 2018 issue of 5280 Magazine. See the "Positive Notes" column at the end. 


  • Read an article that describes the positive impact Each One Teach One has had on one of its parent tutors and her children in the September/October 2018 issue of MUSE (Montbello Urban Spectrum Edition) - flip to page 10.



  • EDUCA Radio recently spread the word about EOTO’s impact on children’s academic growth and social-emotional development: click for English broadcast or Spanish broadcast.


  • Denver Channel 7 broadcast on October 11, 2017: "Each One, Teach One reading program finds success by involving parents, student volunteers".


  • Watch the video when 7 EOTO students were invited to work with Ron Finley from LA to celebrate school gardens.


  • CBS News 4 broadcast of the September 27, 2017 EOTO Recognition Luncheon and an early celebration of Marie L. Greenwood's 105th birthday.


  • Season to Share, a McCormick Foundation Fund, highlighted Each One Teach One's highly effective literacy program. Read the full article

Alice Water's Event  
July 14, 2017

“There is always one moment in childhood when the door opens and lets the future in.” ~ Graham Greene   


For Catherine, the door was opened by famed chef, Alice Waters, founder of Chez Panisse Restaurant in Berkeley, California. When six Each One Teach One Summer Program students were invited to help serve 500 international guests at Alice Waters’ “Lunch as an Academic Subject” luncheon at the Slow Foods Nations Festival in Civic Center Park in downtown Denver, the students received hugs from Ms. Waters who offered them a private tour of the outdoor kitchen. The students devoured the wood-fired heirloom beans and asked if the beans could be served at Greenwood’s school lunch EVERY day.


Catherine’s response to the experience was deeply personal. As she hugged Each One Teach One’s autographed copy of Fanny at Chez Panisse by Alice Waters six weeks after the event, Catherine explained, “Now when my family shops for food, we only look for healthy food like salad, no junk food. I want to help all people, even homeless people, have healthy food to eat.” Catherine’s future may have been let in when she met Alice Waters.


Friends of Marie L. Greenwood

6046 S. Chester Way

Greenwood Village, CO  80111-5230

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Tel:  303 220-7817


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