Further Reading

By the Grace of God. The True Life Journey of 100 Years by Dr. Marie L. Greenwood. The remarkable journey of Marie's life and all that she has endured, accomplished and enjoyed, which she attributes first and foremost to God.
Every Child Can Learn by Dr. Marie L. Greenwood. Vignettes written about 1st-grade students she taught, some of the challenges she faced, and how she solved their problems to the best of her ability and for the good of each child.
Read a letter Denver Public School's Superintendent Tom Boasberg wrote to the DPS Community thanking Mrs. Greenwood for inspiring multiple generations of students to love learning, and to love teaching, as well: https://www.dpsk12.org/our-dps-weekly-105-and-still-teaching/
Read an article how Marie is still teaching at 104 in MUSE (Montbello Urban Spectrum Edition) July/August 2017 - turn to page 8.
Read an article that highlights the Each One Teach One Program offered at Marie L. Greenwood Academy: http://www.denverpost.com/2017/01/03/foundation-program-teaches-denver-grade-school-students-language-and-life-skills/
Read about Marie L. Greenwood's pioneering efforts: http://www.denverpost.com/2014/05/10/colorado-mothers-day-marie-greenwood/
Did you know that November 4, 2010 is Marie Greenwood Day? Read the City and County of Denver's Proclamation.
Visit the History Colorado Center and explore the “Mountain Haven” exhibit to learn the role that Lincoln Hills and its Camp Nizhoni played in Marie's life. She is prominently featured in the video in the display.